Saturday, September 27, 2003

how come no one comments on my blog? does anyone read it?

i went to the architecture party tonight... the traditional party that second years throw for first years. what did we do? they tried to cram 70-odd people into a teeny tiny split-level house off campus... and just drank. that was the ONLY activity. people got drunk. then they got more drunk. me, elaine, ping and some others stayed dry and hung around on the couch... and were bored out of our minds. and then someone started smoking weed. it smelled so bad, we left.

someone please explain to me the point of university drinking parties. is drinking a social skill... you make friends with people because you get drunk together? how do you have fun drinking... okay so people do crazy things when they're drunk... but if you're drunk too you're not going to remember any of it. and if drinking's an escape... from what?

i don't get it.

but i had a fun walk back from the party with elaine and ping and mike, albeit nearly twisting my foot countless times and stumbling into at least three puddles. it's not fun hiking over waterloo campus's stupid hills and valleys in high high shoes on a muddy, rainy, dark night. we were stranded outside south campus hall at one point and elaine and mike entertained us with some insane mandarin singing!

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